Friday, August 06, 2010

As A Bug In A Rug

Carol and Jenny, otherwise known as The Snug Sisters are busily preparing their own little corner of Irish Fest for you...if you're smart enough to join The Snug, the very best way to experience Irish Fest. They bring you this...ummm...what are we calling this again, girls?
Alrighty, it’s time for a Snugsynopsis (yeah spell-check, that is a word) , or maybe a Snugupdate ( you’ll notice the meaning sort of changes with your pronunciation of that one): We, the Snug girls , are madly getting ready for you. And when you do that clickable thing and sign up for a day or (we love you) the whole weekend , let’s think about what that means for you.
First, a truly lovely spot - you will not even know that you are under a tent on a normally busy street. You are above the crowds (you can take that literally or in a haughty way- your choice), in close viewing and listening proximity to the Boulevard Stage and with plenty of room to relax or snuggle up with your significant other. You have a swanky comfortable scenario to do that in. You have a bar and dedicated bartenders at your service. Come and go as you please.
You have drink tickets. A lot. 10 for Saturday or Sunday, 5 for Friday. These tickets, let’s make sure we understand, are good throughout the Fest, not just in the Snug. And it’s a ticket for a drink: beer, pop, water, wine, whatever. The Fest tokens work here too, if you run out.
You get snacks and a couple of times a day, catered food. We have tables and chairs and napkins and all the stuff you need for that.
You get a Snug t-shirt that you cannot buy anywhere in the Fest -- so go back to that haughty thing with your Snug self. Also on that note, your special Snug membership card and lanyard.
Act now, go to the on-line signup and your Fest admission ticket is included in the deal. Wait, and decide to join once you get to the Fest – obviously not. And it must be said – we do have a capacity limit.
Raffle prizes… this years cool Irish Fest poster ….AND a special Snug bathroom, which we Snug girls protect with our very lives.
That covers the basics under the Snugumbrella - except of course you get us, those Snugebullient (okay, got some help with on that one) sisters, as well . Is this the best way to enjoy Irish Fest ever? Absolutely. $100 a day, two for one on Friday, $250.00 the whole weekend.
Get in here, have a beer, make up all the Snug words you want.
I'm sold. If I wasn't working that weekend, I know where I'd be. So Snuggle up, kids. Join now before the very limited spots are gone.


Anonymous said...

Should I also mention that if you win first place in Friday's Cow Art contest, you get two Friday Snug memberships?!

If I were you, I'd enter.

Contest Coordinator

Danny Regan said...

And I already taught you all how to draw a cow. Enter! Win!