Thursday, August 05, 2010

Schedule Repairs

Okay, that "TBA" I had you pencil in to your Sunday Atrium Stage schedule? Whip that eraser out again, muchacho. And write in the name "Andreas Transo." You'll see it at the opposite end of that same portion of the schedule there. Now you may think that's odd, having Dre open and close that stage in the same day. But here's my prediction: if you go to that first show and don't find yourself wanting to attend the second as well, I'll eat my green felt bowler hat.

There's a term used in my favorite sport: small ball. In baseball, small ball refers to the strategy of scoring runs by moving baserunners methodically–hit and run plays, stolen bases, patience at the plate, etc.–rather than counting on the big blasts. At Irish Fest you might think of small ball in a similar way. Yes, you should be there at night for the big boys...your Elders, your Pogey, your Eileen Ivers. But along the way, don't miss the small jewels you'll find on the Atrium and Park stages. And I can tell you with no hesitation that none of those jewels shine brighter than the aforementioned Transo. I had the enormous pleasure of hearing him last year in Milwaukee and this fella can flat out sing. I was reminded of Dick Gaughan when I heard his voice. He's also an engaging performer and a nice guy to have a pint with. What you call your total package.

Here's Transo's beautiful version of "Spancil Hill". Do yourself a favor and ignore the visuals, they'll only give you a headache. And below Transo, "Song For Ireland" from the great Dick Gaughan, because if you're not familiar with him you should be, and if you are it's been way too long since you heard him.


Anonymous said...

Ok, Dick Gaughan is talented and all. But Andreas Transø has a much deeper, richer, fuller voice. Especially in person. Don't miss this guy. I predict he's going places.


Danny Regan said...

"Ok, Dick Gaughan is talented and all" may be the biggest understatement I've heard in a looong time. As a singer and songwriter he occupies a place in the rarified heights of Christy, Luke and Ronnie. But I agree on this: Don't miss Andreas at KCIF.

Anonymous said...

What a nice thing to wake up to this morning. And I'll be sure to check Andreas out - sounds fantastic.

(and you weren't kidding about the visuals)


Anonymous said...

Shows you what I know.


Jeff Petrie said...

I like Dick's voice better.