Thursday, May 08, 2008

Rhyme Time

Attention you writers and rhymers
Be you youngsters or grizzled old-timers
You've only a week!
A Lim'rick I seek!
Perhaps these will serve you as primers.

Your poem should deal with our Fest
"It's the worst!" "It's okay." "It's the best!"
"I hate it!" "I love it!"
"There's no fest above it!"
Just get me one soon, as I've I've stressed.

Limerick contest
ends May 15.


April said...

I'm all in a dither about the deadline.....does that help push me into writing limericks? Nooo.

Well, then again, this is running through my head....

There once was a girl under stress,
So busy her house was a mess.
She tried to find time
to write a fine rhyme
so far she's had no success.

Great, my limerick block lets me write a limerick about writing limericks, but none about the fest. Must get to it!!!

Cami said...

North, south, east or west,
KC Irish Fest, simply the best!
Culture, music and beer,
those things we hold dear
I say, come to the Irish Fest!

Cami said...

Weak, yes. But it's my first attempt EVER.

Danny Regan said...

Not too bad! The thing to remember about limericks is not just the AABBA rhyme scheme, though, but also the meter.

It should go:
Ba dada ba dada ba dum
Ba dada ba dada ba dum
Ba dada dee doo
Ba dada dee doo
Ba dada ba dada ba dum

Danny Regan said...

Like this...

An Irish Fest poet named Cami
Sat writing at home in her jammies
"I should go to work
But Regan, that jerk,
Got me wishin' I lived in Miami."

Anonymous said...

The b*stards have me under house arrest
For failing yet another blood test
It's happened not once
but only lasts a few months
I'll be back drinkin in time for the Fest

Cami said...

Dear Danny, you make it seem easy.
When I try it just makes me queasy.
A swell poet, I'm not.
My rhyme goes to pot.
My lymrics all end up just cheesy.

Cami said...

duh, "limericks", not lymrics...

I are not very smart either.