When I ask you to pick up your pen
And write me some verse
Then the one that's least worse
Will win a great prize. Amen.
Can you do better? Of course you can. That sucked. So show me. Send me your best limerick about the Kansas City Irish Fest and I'll send you this-not-available in stores KCIF cow sticker for your car or forehead or whatever, and two tickets to the 2008 Irish Fest. This sticker is currently found only on the cars driven by Irish Fest swells like me, so just having one will put you into an elite cadre. Our celebrity judge this year is a genuine Hallmark Cards Inc. editorial director who has asked to remain nameless because she comes to Irish Fest and doesn't want to get her ass kicked by limerick contest losers. Can't blame her, I guess. But she knows her stuff, even if you don't know her name.
So: write as many as you want. Make sure they're limericks, following all applicable guidelines for this particular poetic construction. Make them about the Kansas City Irish Fest. E-mail them to me at danny@kcirishfest.com by May 15th. My anonymous fraidy cat judge will pick the best one, which I'm sure will be yours. And I'll send you the loot. Easy.
Now get to the rhymin', Simon.

Game on!!
April, two time winner of the limerick contest, has thrown down the gauntlet.
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