Sunday, July 09, 2006

One of Our Stars in The Star

It must be getting close to Irish Fest time in Kansas City. Hearne Christopher mentions our booking of the great Luka Bloom in his column in The Kansas City Star this morning. Says Hearne: "Now the really killer news: The Irish have truly lucked out by landing critically acclaimed Irish folksinger Luka Bloom for a 7:30 p.m. show Saturday, Sept. 2."

He's exactly right. This is a real coup for us at Irish Fest and a show you should not miss. I may have mentioned before that I'm a big fan.

Hearne also couldn't resist reminding us of "our near death experience" in the "monsoon rains" of our first year. Way to open up the old wounds, dude.

1 comment:

David Shaughnessy said...

"Lucked out" My ass! Luka wanted to come there because our our national reputation.