Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Vroom Go The Rooms

One of the thousands of things we at the Kansas City Irish Fest love about our home at Crown Center is that we have two, not one but two, great hotels right here, towering over us. You could hit the Westin with a potato from almost anywhere on the Irish Fest site (Note: Westin management requests that you refrain from pelting their hotel with tubers) and the Hyatt is just around the covered-walkway-linked corner.

I've been to Irish Festivals, and I bet you have too, where you have to take a shuttle bus or drive from your hotel to the event. Not here, baby. You just stroll, mosey, saunter or sashay on over from your deluxe accommodations on your schedule, not Fred, the shuttle bus driver's.

But here's the thing about hotels. I think this might be one of Newton's Laws or Hawking's Theorems or something like that. Hotels are finite. They fill up. And when they do, where do you stay? Not at my house, pal, not the way you snore.

Now, I don't want to scare you. But I need to throw some numbers at you, okay? This is for your own good. Tough love. As of last week, the Hyatt has booked 249 rooms for Irish Fest. The Westin, they of the non-potato-splattered walls, have booked 295. That's 544 rooms. And that was last week. Who knows what they're up to now. Not me, or I'd give you those numbers.

You see where I'm going with this. Book. Your. Room. Do it today. Don't get shut out. Even if you live in Kansas City. I live here, and I have my room booked. Irish Fest fun goes on long after we close the gates for the night, so make a vacation of it.

Get all the info on booking either hotel here. And then maybe we can mosey over to the Fest together. Just watch out for the flying potatoes.

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