Friday, June 23, 2006

Song Sung

It's a beautiful day, and it's Friday. I think I'll sing a song. Join me, won't you? Sing this to the tune of Home on The Range:

If you like to sing
Then I've got just the thing.
There are people out there just like you.

You can come sing along
With an old Irish song
And here's all that you have to do:

Call Mason today!
He knows where to find this soiree.
Just give in to that urge
Sing a ballad or dirge
And your cares will all be sung away.

Irish group sing along, Monday, June 26, 2006
7:00 pm, 37th & Roanoke area, Kansas City, MO
Call Mason at 913-515-1179 for exact directions.
All ages, everybody welcome.

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