Friday, June 02, 2006

First Friday

Today is the first Friday of the month, and if you live in Kansas City, you know that means. Artapalooza in the Crossroads district, when thousands of aesthetes and hipsters mill around and nod knowingly at the artwork they're pretending to study, while actually checking out the other hipsters to see if anybody is checking them out.

But I digress.

Today being First Friday reminds me that Irish Fest happens to open on a First Friday this year, as it did last year. Last year a lot of you went to First Friday to groove and be grooved, which is all well and good. But not all of you then walked up the road and joined us at Irish Fest. Which is not all well and good, or even okay. We put this festival on for you. Would it kill you to show up?

So this year, go to First Friday if you must. But after you're all arted out, come to Irish Fest. We're open long after the galleries have run out of brie and Pinot Noir. To remind you to do that, on that Friday evening, reuBen, one of our Irish Fest comedians, will be doing a preview show on the loading dock/stage at the Dolphin gallery at 1901 Baltimore. Not the whole show. You need to come to Irish Fest for that, where you'll also see a bunch of great music and culture and stuff. See what we're up to here?

This little preview show is brought to you by the Dolphin and its owner John O'Brien, who is a really good guy.

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