Thursday, June 01, 2006

News Item

Shoppers Stung By 'Irish' Honey Trap

Customers are being stung by misleading labels on jars of so-called ‘Irish’ honey, food safety bosses revealed today.

A survey of 20 Irish honeys has shown five did not originate in Ireland but four were still labelled and passed off as Irish to customers.

Jeffrey Moon, chief specialist in environmental health with the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI), said the survey found some of the Irish honeys came from the Mediterranean/Spanish region and South America.

Mr Moon warned food businesses to ensure they keep adequate traceability information and only purchase honey labelled as Irish from reputable sources.

“Consumers’ interests are being undermined by operators who are too willing to exploit those who are seeking genuine Irish products.

"This is not acceptable. The onus is firmly on the food industry to be able to trace their products back to source and clearly state the correct country of origin,” Mr Moon said.

You and your honey, Irish or not, will have a great time at the Kansas City Irish Fest. Why not make a romantic weekend of it and book a room now at one of our two official hotels?

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