Last year at KCIF, we presented for the first time at any Irish festival in America (that’s our story anyway, until somebody tells us otherwise) live, stand up comedy, direct from Dublin. The hysterical Dermot Carmody, the riotous Barry Murphy and the mildly amusing Brendan Dempsey brought down the house, metaphorically speaking, in a ballroom in the Hyatt Hotel. 400 intelligent, forward-thinking people recognized this visionary bit of scheduling and saw the shows. Which means that 57,600 or so didn’t. But, not being all that bright, we at Irish Fest consider 0.7 % attendance a roaring success, and we’re doing it again, damn it.
I’d advise you to start camping out now in front of the doors to the American Heartland Theater in Crown Center for Irish Comedy @ KCIF , version 2.0. Kevin Gidea, reuBen, and Anne Gildea will perform three shows during Irish Fest, Saturday, Sept 2nd at 10:30pm, and Sunday, Sept 3rd at 6:00pm and 8:00pm.
Of Anne Gildea, The Independent (speaking of her show “The Nualas”) says “If you haven’t seen them yet, get out there, yer eejit, before it’s too late”. And the Village Voice says “The show is impossible to categorize, which is one of the many reasons it’s so feckin’ great.”
Of reuBen (who performs without words, costumes or props), Ireland’s Hot Press magazine says he is “The king of comedy...his comedy stylings never fail to delight...one of the most innovative of the Irish comedy circuit's new breed." PeopleNews.ie says that he’s "unique...he is one of the hottest properties in Irish Comedy."
Of Kevin Gildea, The Sunday Times says “Highly original and explosively funny.” The aforementioned Dermot Carmody says “Kevin is very funny, and an audience member actually poohed themselves during one of his gigs in Portlaoise. This is TRUE. Go and pay money to see this man - NOW!”
How can you stay away from a show that is likely to make you laugh so hard that you pooh yourself? You can’t, that’s how. Don't even try.
And I'm joking about Brendan. He was WAY funnier than those other two losers.
Some of us would have liked to have checked out the comedy, but couldn't pull ourselves away from the musical entertainment!
Good point. But there's no excuse for missing that 10:30 PM show this year!
Do I REALLY need and excuse to pooh myself?
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