Friday, May 05, 2006

Un Pequeño Recordatorio-Fiesta Esta Noche!

Just a little reminder, our sister festival at Crown Center, the Fiesta in The Heartland begins tonight and runs through Sunday. Schedules and details are here. Come down, enjoy some great food and music and see how the newly remodeled festival square works on it's inaugural run. I'll be there raising a cerveza fría for all my Mexican/Irish cousins in Colorado. A su salud, primo!


Happy In Bag said...

In case anyone's interested, here are my impressions of the Flaco Jimenez show on Saturday night:

Danny Regan said...

Great review and spot on. As a festival planner myself, I was baffled by the decision to schedule Flaco to play two 45 minute sets with a 20 minute break between them. I mean, I know he's no spring pollo, but that killed any energy that the chilly audience had. We'd never schedule that way.