Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Where to Volunteer: KCIF Merchandise Tents

In today’s action packed installment of “where should I volunteer?”, we look at the fast paced world of the Irish Fest Merchandise Tents.

What you’ll do: You’ll be selling a wide variety of beautifully designed, quality Kansas City Irish Fest merchandise, including t-shirts, caps, beads, hoodies...we’re even thinking about KCIF knickers! You’ll be Irish Fest’s fashion guru, recommending just the right green tank top for that redhead, or the perfect cap to cover yer man’s bald spot adequately. You’ll be working in the only place in the world to get official 2006 Kansas City Irish Fest stuff. You’ll be in the know and in demand. No long miles of walking for you! You stay in the cool comfort of merchandise tent and let Irish Fest come to you. Plus, you’ll be working for merchandise mavens Ron and Margaret, and that alone should be enticement enough to join this team. I frequented all the merchandise tents last year and these people have WAY too much fun.

Who you are: You’re a trend setter. You’re a fashionista. You’re a retailing dynamo. You know the correct answer to the question “does this t-shirt make me look fat?”. You were born to sell! Embrace your inner haberdasher. Volunteer today to join the Irish Fest Merchandise team.


Anonymous said...

Will there be baby merchandise, specifically onesies, that say 'my folks got drunk at KC Irishfest and all I got was this lousy onesie'? Sure hope so...those will be a top seller, for sure.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm Miss Anonymous...if they don't have those available I for one would be happy to make a home made one. I am not a great artist, but really, do I need to be?