Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Stage One

It's a beautiful day in our beautiful city so I walked outside over lunch. As I've said, I work in a building overlooking the Irish Fest site at Crown Center. So out I wandered down to check on the progress of the remodeling of the grounds. And in addition to the laying of pavers, plumbing of fountains and all the other work that's going on down there, I noticed that today is the day that they're putting up the Terrace Stage under the big white tent.

The very stage where in a few short months, we'll watch Hothouse Flowers bloom and visit all of the 7 Nations. Where we'll rock with the Elders and weather the Gaelic Storm. Where Eddie Delahunt and The Kelihans will show the world some Kansas City Irish style. Where we'll enter the frenzy of Enter The Haggis, have a funky ceili with Black 47 and feel thunder from the feet of the O'Riada Dancers.

I hope they're building that stage strong. We're gonna wear it out.


Anonymous said...

I am so impressed with your play on words there....

Danny Regan said...

Thanks. I try, just in case anybody ever reads this stuff!

Anonymous said...

true story, we broke the stage at our wedding, not that that has anything to do with this blog whatsoever...

Danny Regan said...

Still, sounds like a good story. Nobody hurt, I hope?

Anonymous said...

Nope. No injuries. Thank God, cuz Barney and I didn't want to be responsible for anyone's dancing injuries. OOPS..not so anonymous anymore, DANG! I hate when I do that!

Danny Regan said...

Betty? Betty Rubble? Is that you?