Tuesday, April 18, 2006

April Pub Quiz Winners

Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present to you the winners of the 2nd monthly Kansas City Irish Fest pub quiz, "Gertrude Ederle", also known as Rich, Megan, Steve, Claude, Renee, Lorna, Colby and Larry. These mighty intellects crushed all comers at The Gaf in Waldo, taking home cash, glory, and qualifying for the finals, where they'll go up against "Five Dollar Wine" and 4 more champions yet to be determined, all battling for a $500 prize to be awarded at Irish Fest in September.

So they humbled the competition, sure. But were you there with your team of geniuses? Were you there to fly up and teach them manners? No? Then you should come to the next quiz, May 22nd at Kelly's in Westport and show 'em who's boss. You'll find the details right here on the blog as we get closer. Until then, all hail the mighty Gertrude! And by the way...for next month, if you're the sort of person who knows who the real Gertrude Ederle was, you're half way to winning the quiz. Get your team together!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was really freakin tough! The wine and food rounds just killed us! 4th place (out of 8 teams) isn't bad though. But next time Team Petrie will do better...next time...