Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Volunteer Among Volunteers

Our "Where Should I Volunteer" series continues with today's episode, Volunteer Liaisons. Volunteers in service to volunteers. Sort of.

What you'll do: If you worked at the Kansas City Irish Fest last year, or an earlier year, two things happened. One, you had a lot of fun. And two, when you arrived you were greeted by a smiling fellow volunteer who welcomed you, thanked you for vounteering, got you a T-shirt in your size, and helped you find where you'd be working. Later when you were taking a break, perhaps a different smiling volunteer got you a cold bottle of water or Pepsi...maybe a slice of pizza. Maybe he or she helped you get signed up for an unplanned second shift, because you were just having too darn much fun to quit. You might have been stunned in the face of all that hospitality. You may have thought to yourself, "who are these earth-bound angels? From what Celestial Fest did they descend, to appear here and give me a T-shirt and a slice of pepperoni and onion?". My answer: they are you, grasshopper. Or they could be anyway. Once you sign up.

Who you are: You're a people person! A host with the most. A good Samaritan, a friend indeed. You're a...okay, I ran out of clichés. The point is, you like people and you like to help them help other people. Did you ever run a race and see those kind souls standing along the road holding out cups of water? That's you.

Best of all, you can start helping people right now. Sign up.


Anonymous said...

so I signed up on saturday I think it was. I haven't heard anything yet. am I being impatient? this is my first year to volunteer and am not sure of procedure.

Danny Regan said...

Be patient, Elizabeth. It may be awhile before you hear anything, but we've got your info and the Sunshine Twins will be in touch, I promise.

And thank you! Welcome to the irish Fest family!