Friday, April 14, 2006

Ode To Eddie

Know how lucky I am? I live in a city where I can hear Eddie Delahunt sing almost any night of the week. Not that I do, mind you. Sometimes, rarely, I might go a week or even two without making it out to see him.

But I could. Luckily.

Eddie didn't end up in Detroit. Or Dallas. Or Denver. He didn't stay in Dublin. He came here, married a beautiful local girl, bought a beautiful house in the beautiful neighborhood where I grew up, and started playing music. Here. If you're an Eddie fan, you know how lucky you are too.

Go see Eddie tonight. He's at Mike Kelly's Westsider on Westport Road at 6:00. It's 90 years since the Easter Rising, and I bet you could coax a rebel song or two out of him. Then go see him on Sunday night at O'Dowd's on The Plaza, at 8:00. And remind yourself, if it's been awhile, just how lucky you are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...