Friday, April 14, 2006

Decisions, Decisions...

Let's say you've decided to take the plunge and volunteer to work at The Kansas City Irish Fest this year. Thank you and bless your cotton socks, as my British sister-in-law says. Let's say you're unsure of what you want to do at the Fest. As a public service, I'm going to help you decide.

I've been in the Irish Fest business since the 1930s, and I think I've done pretty much all of the jobs we offer, to some extent. So over the next few days, we'll look at all the jobs on the volunteer form and I'll tell you why each one is exactly where you need to be this September.

CD Tent Sales:

What you'll do: Sell CDs. Obviously. No heavy lifting, no miles of walking. If it's sunny, you're in the shade. If it's a soft day, you're dry. Here's the really cool part. You're selling these CDs for the bands who are performing at Irish Fest. They want to sell a lot of CDs. So they'll often come to the CD sales tent to do signings after their sets. So then guess who finds themselves hanging out with their favorite Celtic rock star or Trad legend? You do, that's who. And then, they see how hard you're working selling their stuff and what a nice person you are and you become friends. Best friends. You go for a pint after your shift is over. They invite you to tour with them and sell their CDs worldwide. Their new CD is dedicated to you. You, by association, become a Celtic rock star or Trad legend. Next year, there you are, in the CD tent, signing autographs. The circle of life spins on. Hey, it could happen. But only if you volunteer.

Who you are: You're friendly. You're personable. You're outgoing. You're okay being on your feet for long stretches. Most of all, you have a love and a knowledge of the music and the bands, so that when somebody comes up and says "which of Black 47's CDs should I get?" you'll be able to give an informed opinion. By the way, the correct answer is "all of them".

Sound good? Then you know which box to check on the volunteer form. If that doesn't quite sound like your bailiwick, don't worry. We've still have lots of choices. Tomorrow, we'll talk about the reunion area.


April said...

The 1930's??????? Dan, being in charge of KCIF might make you FEEL that old, but you're not. (Unless you're really more Scottish than Irish and named MacLeod.....)

Danny Regan said...

Okay, maybe it just FEELS like it's been since the '30s. Or since my 30's anyway.