Thursday, April 13, 2006

Volunteer Amendment

One of our crankier committee bosses has politely informed me that we inadvertantly left the "Site Host" option off the volunteer sign up form, which we'll correct as soon as we can, ye big baby.

In the mean time, if you'd like to volunteer to join our invaluable Site Host committee, please just make note of that in the comments box on your form. Site hosts are those helpful people who you saw at last year's fest in their bright gold shirts, helping people up the stairs, telling people where their favorite band was playing, escorting folks in wheelchairs to elevators, etc. If you're personable, helpful, outgoing, and charming, this could be where you belong. They wouldn't let me do it when I tried to sign up, but I'm sure you'd make the cut.


Danny Regan said...

And, by the way...I'd tried all weekend last year to stump Barney, the Site Host boss, on the location of various things around the festival grounds and never succeeded. Volunteer and let him pass on all that knowledge to you!

Anonymous said...

Site Hosts Rule!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is, those Site Hosts changed my life last year. I'm a different, better person because of Barney and Sarah. I'll be first in line this year to sign up.

Anonymous said...

How could we have possibly left off the sit hosts? I take full responsibility, but I am left asking myself, Why God, Why? How does one forget such a valuable part of the team, I mean really would there even be an Irish Fest if it weren't for those site hosts??