Friday, March 31, 2006


Here’s your weekend schedule. No need to thank me.

Tonight: Titanic talk at 7:00, Máirtín de Cógáin at 8:00. Mind those speed limits, now. Eddie Delahunt at 10:00, Mike Kelly’s Westsider.

Saturday Morning: Get on the Kansas City Irish Fest website and volunteer! Then come to my garage sale and buy my crap.

Saturday Afternoon: Take the kids to see Jim "Mr. Stinky Feet" Cosgrove at Crown Center. Check out the construction of the Irish Fest grounds.

Saturday Night: Bowfire at the Carlsen Center, featuring the great fiddler Jon Pilatzke of Quagmyre, 7 Nations and The Chieftains.

Sunday Morning: Mass with your poor mother, who worries about you so.

Sunday Afternoon: Listen to Ed, Máirtín and me on the Thistle and Shamrock on KCUR 89.3 FM at 1:00 and make a pledge to Public Radio in Kansas City.

Sunday Night: Eddie again, at 8:00 with Brett Gibson and Gabriel Reyes at O’Dowd’s Little Dublin on the Plaza.

Now, don't you feel better having your plans so neatly laid out?


Anonymous said...

Don't forget that Joe Shaughnessy turns 5 on Sunday!

Anonymous said...

I made $145 at my garage sale! Almost enough to pay for hotel rooms for Fest weekened. Oh, and got my first sunburn of '06. How did you do Danny?

Danny Regan said...

A lousy 50 bucks. It was supposed to be a neighborhood garage sale, but the stupid neighborhood didn't do any of the things they said they were going to do, like put up signs and take out newspaper ads. And apparently nobody else in the neighborhood had a sale but me. But on the possitive side, I spent the day sitting in the sun. So it wasn't a complete waste.