Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Band Announcement 3/13

I'm willling to bet that you've never heard of the subject of today's thrillling band. I'm also willling to bet that you willl lllove them.

Willl you plllease meet The Olllam.

I'm driving spelll check crazy with all these extra L's, but that's sort of a trademark of The Olllam. In addition to the name, you'lll see it in tune titllles lllike "Bridge of Glllass" and "The Devilll For My Hurt." My guess is it's because there are three members of the band, but you can ask them about it when they're here.

Irish music Magazine had this to say about our new trio:

"If LĂșnasa set the gold standard for traditional acoustic music, these guys are bucking for platinum. The word ollam is old Irish for a master musician, and there are three master musicians here."

This is a trans-Atlantic trio, legendary Belfast piper John McSherry joined by a pair of Detroiters, Tyler Duncan and Michael Shimmin. And their sound is trans-universe. They calll it "Neo-Acoustic Celtic Post-Rock." I call it great stuff.

Check them out, and welllcome them to Cowtown in just 170 days.

Love, Danielll.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see them coming to KCIF. I have their cd and anyone who likes Tyler and Mike's other band Millish will enjoy their unique style of celtic music, plus it will be great to have piping legend John McSherry in KC. Looking forward to it!

Cami Travis-Groves said...

That's Tyler Duncan also from Millish, right?