Tuesday, August 07, 2012

See The CD?

When you come to the KC Irish Fest in HOLYCRAPISITREALLYONLY 24 days, we'll have something special waiting for you at the official Irish Fest merchandise tents. Along with our usual array of lovely and flattering t-shirts and caps and whatnot, you'll find a special limited edition 10th Anniversary CD featuring songs by some of the very best bands and performers that have ever graced our stages.

Like who, you ask? Like The Elders, Gaelic Storm. Kila. Cara. Slide. Jim Malcolm. Pogey. And a whole lot more. Get yours, put it on the hi-fi and you can pretend like it's Irish Fest all the long, cold winter long. And all proceeds from the sale of the CD go to fund Irish Fest community grants.

But hey, listen: remember when I said "limited edition"? I wasn't kidding, Paddy. There will not be a lot of these puppies out there, so get yours as soon as you get to the fest. Okay, fine, stop and grab a beer first, you big baby. Then go get your CD. Get two, Christmas is coming.


Anonymous said...

ADORABLE CD cover Danny!!!


Danny Regan said...

Thank you, Madam President.

martha said...

Can I order a CD online, Dan? We can't get there this year.

Danny Regan said...

I'm sure we can hook you up, Martha.

martha said...

Just let me know where to send the check!

Anonymous said...

Are the CDs only available at the fest, and not before?

Danny Regan said...

at this point, I don't believe they will be available prior to the fest. If that changes I'll let you know.

MidCoast Kid said...

Let me know if they are available online, too. I'd love to add one to the collection at the Olathe Public Library.

elizabeth said...

Very nice. Will I be able to sell it at my merch tent?

Anonymous said...

I have a family reunion that weekend and would love to get some for everyone. Who should I talk to about holding some back? I was wanting at 30.