Wednesday, February 08, 2012

2011 Spirit Award Winner!

If you've ever bought a beer at Irish Fest–and I'm guessing you have–you probably know that our beverage tents are ably manned each year by volunteer parents and other dedicated grownups from local elementary schools and parishes. Those groups work hard every year, not just at keeping you hydrated (beerdrated?) but also at decorating their tents, designing their uniforms, creating fancy tip jars, choreography, you name it.

Each year the team that excels in the areas of customer service, attending training, creating an maintaining an Irish theme and a family friendly tent, following rules and laws and product knowledge is named that year's KCIF Spirit Award winner. It's a great honor and a much sought after one. Now, here with the announcement of the 2011 prize is our Beverage Queen Melissa Rohr:


Anonymous said...

Oh, that's not getting any Oscar nominations.

Anonymous said...

Such cute blonds!

Congrats St Francis!

DVP said...

Cute!! Love everyone at KC Irish Dance!!