Monday, November 21, 2011

Rumblings At The Top

Big doings around the Irish Fest board table in these waning days of '11. See, we have term limits for board members so that Irish Fest doesn't end up being led forever by the tired, cranky old geezers who founded it. So every year we elect new cranky old geezers. Sometimes cranky young whippersnappers. Some years we have one board member hit the bricks, some years two. This year, one, as the lovely and hardly ever cranky Erin Kiekbusch joins the ranks of the retired.

Replacing one so talented and dedicated as Erin isn't easy. The current board have been nominating, debating, bad-mouthing, championing and cheerleading for several candidates for the position and a vote is near. Potential boardies may come from within or without the Irish Fest family. They may be male or female, rich or poor, old or young. They don't have to be Irish. The one thing that's not negotiable: they will work hard. All year long and especially Irish Fest weekend. This is not one of those show up for the occasional meeting, second a motion now and then, collect your free tickets board. This board sweats. This board works as hard as anybody on the staff. They're among the first to arrive for set up and the last to leave at tear down. They have a meeting every year at midnight on Irish Fest Friday night. They are the first responders when something goes wrong. As the longest serving board member in the history of the fest, I can tell you: it ain't for the faint of heart.

There's an interesting mix of nominees this year. Some I know, some I don't. I guarantee some will say no thanks if asked to serve, because of the time and labor commitment. But that one person who sits down at the table will become part of a very special group of people. Oh, and they do get free tickets.

You'll read about the new director here. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Sunshine said...

I'm sad to leave but looking forward to retirement! Thanks for the kind words Pappy. :)