Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Something Different

Now that we're inside that magic less-than-a-month-to-go time frame, let's start getting you ready for the 2010 Kansas City Irish Fest. Here's a change you'll want to be aware of.

In years past when you arrived at Irish Fest you were met by one of our friendly Site Hosts. These goodwill ambassadors were the smiling, helpful face of Irish Fest, always ready willing and able to help you find a stage, a sandwich, a restroom or a display. And they were easy to spot in their bright gold t-shirts. Those Site Hosts are still around in 2010 but those gold t-shirts are on the scrap heap of fashion history. Site Hosts will now be in regular Irish Fest volunteer t-shirts (remember what those will look like?) but so you know them when you see them, they'll be sporting these big, bright stickers on their fronts.
Let that sticker be your signal to ask them any question that comes to mind or for whatever help will make your Irish Fest experience the best it can be. You'll aslo find Site Hosts stationed in our information kiosk near the main gate. Try and stump them, I dare you. I do, every year and I haven''t succeeded yet.

The Site Hosts are part of our small Irish army of volunteers. If you'd like to join us, it's not too late. Click here to make it happen.

1 comment:

Henry said...

Well, shucks.
And I missed out on the Recycling crew shirt...

I can understand reasons why, having been a T-purchasing guy myself, but the Site Host visibility was unparalleled. Hopefully, the change will be a success, and if not then easy to adjust next year.