Tuesday, August 03, 2010

HA! I Say!

You're probably thinking we're all done with performer announcements for the 2010 KC Irish Fest. You've seen the schedules, read the bios, you think you pretty much have a handle on what and who you'll see on our stages this year. To which I say HA! HA I say! You underestimate us at your own peril, my friend. Bwaa ha ha ha! I laugh diabolically as I twirl my imaginary moustache.

You see, we still have an announcement to make. So you don't know everything we have in store for you. Now you feel foolish for all your smug self confidence, don't you?

The announcement? Friday.


Serena said...

PLEASE let it be Scythian PLEASE!!!

Danny Regan said...

Not Scythian, Serena. Sorry!

Serena said...

Well shoot...I guess I'll just have to look forward to having Scythian at KCIF 2011 :-)