Saturday, February 27, 2010

Olympic Medal Count

Shane, Shane...come back Shane. Come back and do that run over.

Shane O'Connor, last hope for Irish Olympic gold, came in 51st out of 53 finishers in his race today, beating out only an Albanian and a skier from that Alpine skiing powerhouse, Mexico. On the bright side if there is one, at least he finished. Some 50 skiers didn't, American stars Bode Miller and Ted Ligety among them. Speaking of which, did I ever tell you I have a cat named after Bode Miller? I do. That's Bode right there. Olympic gold medalist in being a fat ass.

And so, the Team Ireland medal count for 2010 will remain, for another 4 years, locked in at:

Just wait 'til 2014. Olé Olé Olé !

1 comment:

kevin kiley said...

The bright side for ANY National team this year was making it out of there without getting hurt. There was NO EXCUSE for poor young Nodar Kumaritashvilion's death on the opening day and the problems continued. Denmark, a favorite for a medal in Bobsled, pulled out after just 1 run down the track saying 'it's just too dangerous'. A lot of the alpine skiers were going through their spare skis like swizzle sticks in a cruise ship bar because of all the ROCKS that were hidden just under the 'fake' snow they hauled in and dumped on the courses at the last minute. The IOC is lucky someone didn't fall and find one of those rocks with their HEAD. Everyone has their 'happy face' on now that it's over but it's really, truly just plain luck more athletes didn't get hurt this time. I sure hope the Russians do a better job with it all next time.

PS: I don't think 'Bode' is fat at all. He looks very pleased with his weight, thank you very much.