Sunday, October 11, 2009

Weston Saturday Night

Mrs. Bloggy and I headed up to the Weston Irish Fest last evening. Froze our shamrocks off, as my friend Martha Kiley put it, but had a great time. We never ventured in to the indoor stages having been warned by St. Joe Hibernian and Weston I.F. staffer Tom Supple that it would be a fool's errand trying to find space in there but the outdoor entertainment was great. Kansas City Irish Fest alums Searson were just finishing up when we arrived, and they were followed by the always entertaining Mickey Finns, Screaming Orphans and KCIF vets Seven Nations. And a surprisingly big crowd considering the temperature. Congratulations to Corey, Sean and all the organizers on another great event in spite of the chill in the air.

Highlight of the evening by far was having Screaming Orphans sing Happy Birthday to me during their set, and then follow it with Sweet Home Alabama, Donegal style. If you're thinking of going to Weston today, make sure you're there at 2:00 and again at 4:30 when the Diver sisters take the stage. It will be one of the most entertaining shows you see this year, I promise.

Dress warm, drink a few Irish coffees, have some of their fantastic hot and peppery Irish stew and enjoy yourselves. It's going to be a long cold winter without outdoor Irish music. Better go soak it up.


Mary Alice said...

Hope you had a good birthday weekend Uncle Bloggy...we will have to do a drink some night this week!
What is it your 23rd Birthday?

snug sister Carol said...

Missed you on your b.d. weekend, glad you got the song in your honor! There should be a small present for you at the fire station.
love, Cee