Friday, October 09, 2009

Weston Kick Off Tonight

One of the very best parts of my favorite month of the year begins today with the kick off of the annual Weston Irish Fest. Yes, the weather forecast is calling for chilly temps. But come on: A. the weather forecast is always wrong and B. it's always a little nippy up there for the fest. That's just part of it's charm. And besides, two of the stages are indoors.

There's stellar line up this year including a whole bunch of past KC Irish Festers (and some future ones). Seven Nations, The Elders, Screaming Orphans, Searson, Connie Dover, The Mickey Finns, Eddie Delahunt...and that's only the tip of the big green iceberg.

Bundle up and join me up north this weekend. The Weston Fest kicks off tonight and runs through Sunday. Everything you've ever wanted to know about the thing, including how to watch streaming video of the event is right here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will someone please buy Danny a stout for me? I'd love to do it myself but can't.