Thursday, July 16, 2009

Recycle, Michael. Save The Planet, Janet.

I met yesterday evening with Natalie Smith, the woman we call our Recycling Empress to discuss her committee's preparation for this Year's Kansas City Irish Fest. If saving your home planet (I assume this is your home planet) isn't enough of a reason to volunteer for the recycling committee, then Natalie should be. If you don't have fun working with Nat then your fun-having capacity is badly damaged.

You want the best of both worlds at Irish Fest? Sign up to volunteer with recycling for set up before the fest opens. Help us pick up, assemble and place the 65 recycling stations around the Irish Fest grounds at Crown Center. You know what happens then? You've completed your shift, with all the benefits thereof, before Irish Fest even opens.

You want to be my very favorite volunteer at the whole festival? Sign up to volunteer with recycling for the last shift on Sunday night to break down and store those 65 recycling centers. It's a quick shift with enough people (so far we have not had enough people, so this is supposition on my part) and you get to enjoy almost the entire fest before doing your rewarding, important, Earth-saving job.

Join Natalie and me on the Recycling team. Just make a note in the comments box of the volunteer form and let us know you want to help with set up on Friday or sign up for the last shift on Sunday. And you know when a great time to do it would be?

Right now.


Danny Regan said...

Irish Fest Site Host boss Sarah Walsh wonders if the title of this post was a shout out to a couple members of America's musical Jackson family. While it wasn't intentionally, I do like the idea so I'm running with it:

"Recycling is neat-o, Tito"
"Volunteers are dandy, Randy"
"Not recycling is insane, Jermaine"
"One of the greatest of all 18th century Spanish painters was Francisco Goya, La Toya"

Okay, maybe that last one needs work. Anybody else got any?

Sunshine said...

I am laughing out loud. Pappy, somehow my day is always brighter when I read posts and in this case....comments. :-)