Wednesday, July 15, 2009


It feels like a Jim Malcolm kind of day to me. Here he is at last year's KC Irish Fest. And he'll be back here in 51 days. Is there a better traditional singer or more engaging performer around anywhere? I think not.


Anonymous said...

And he's a nice gent to boot!


David Shaughnessy said...

I second that!

kevin kiley said...

Jim is one of those rare performers who effortlessly achieves the coveted 'third voice' while he's standing there all alone backing himself up.

There are times when it seems like there has to be more than just one person performing.

The voice and the backup become 'one' and are just 'flowing' across the footlights.

Other examples of this kind of 'third voice' quality I can think of are James Taylor, Jackson Browne, Stephen Stills, fellas like that.

Check out the harmonica solo near the end of this video while Jim is also cranking away on a complicated guitar backup.

He makes it look easy.

If you think it is, try it yourself sometime.

51 days and counting!