Friday, June 06, 2008

Chairman of the Board

Most of you regular readers know that Laren Mahoney and I are the rookies of the Board of Directors of KC Irish Fest. It is an honor to be a part of such a great organization, although some excitement did fade when the alarm clock went off for the first early morning meeting.

And let's just say some of the recruitment promises were, well, less than accurate. President Ed and Uncle Bloggy sure can embelish. So let me clarify, what I call, the Top 5 Myths about being on the KCIF Board.

5. Keys to the executive washroom. Still just a port-o-pottie, it might have an air freshener in it.

4. Cool Director Shirts. Sorry, but nothing wears quite like the bright gold shine of the Site Host T-Shirt.

3. Dan Regan will personally wash your car every month. 6 months in, car is still dirty.

2. All Access Pass to the Fest. And by all, they mean ALL. All access to the dumpsters to recover recyclables. All access to haul strollers up and down stairs. All access to the 5:30am radio promos. All access to the 1:30am tear-down to clear the street for monday morning. All access to the purple garage level (betcha didn't know there was a purple level!) to help find a lost set of keys. And yes, if lucky, you do get to go backstage. But you never get to stay for much longer than half a song.

1. Free Beer at meetings. Ok, so this one is true. However, given the pre-dawn start of most of the Board meetings, I'm only good for one. And sometimes you have to settle for a Crantini. Left over from KCIF 2005.

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