Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Deep Thinking

I'm no math whiz, but I've been doing some cipherin'. Irish Fest opens in 114 days. Which means that two weeks from now we'll be 14 days closer than that. Which means that on Wednesday, May 21st, we'll hit that magic 100 days mark. Which, in addition to giving me a sore brain from all that numbering, makes me think we should once again celebrate that milestone.

Come down to O'Dowd's Little Dublin on The Plaza on May 21st. Eddie Delahunt will be there and if we ask really nicely, maybe he'll sing The Auld Irish Fest. Even if he won't, we'll give away some Irish Fest prizes and have some fun while we welcome the two digit count down.

I'll remind you when we get closer. I just wanted to get it written down before I had to think of something else and forgot it. The little hamsters on the rusty wheel that is my brain can only handle so many things at once.


Anonymous said...

While celebrating the 100 Days Mark, let's also celebrate our Favorite Festie Barney Walsh's birthday that night! Whoo Hoo!

Anonymous said...

Favorite Festie?? Barney???