Monday, April 21, 2008


President Ed Scanlon related to me an all-too-oft-occurring scene this past weekend. He was out somewhere and saw somebody he kind of knows. This person, remembering that Ed has some connection to Irish Fest asks how planning is going. "Swell" says Ed, or something along those lines. Then that person says something like "boy, that (insert name of persons, family, organization, business who may, or more likely may not have any tenuous relationship to Irish Fest here) sure do a great job putting that on every year."

Not a big deal maybe, but I like to see the credit for organizing this wonderful event go to the hardworking staff who actually make it possible. So in the interest of accuracy: The Kansas City Irish Fest is not affiliated with, or a branch of, or managed by any retail or wholesale business, local or otherwise. We are not organized by, operated by or a chapter of any group, union or organization other than our own. We are not run by, sponsored by or organized by any single family. KCIF is almost 100% volunteer staffed, and is grateful for the help of nearly 1500 volunteers annually. You can see our handsome and talented crew here.

Just had to get that off my chest. Good morning.

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