Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Up There

Have you ever been at Irish Fest and looked up at the level above the Terrace Stage and wondered about it? Wondered how you can get up there, where there’s never a beer line, never a potty line? In years past there have been two ways to do that. One is to give Irish Fest a bunch of money and be a sponsor. Too rich for your blood? Okay, the other way is to have your family reunion or corporate event up there. Don’t feel like organizing anything on that scale? I understand. But still. The upper level calls to you, doesn’t it? Listen brother, I don’t blame you. I get to go anywhere I want to at Irish Fest and I love it up there. When I get a free minute (I think I had 6 of them last year) I go hang out up there with the beautiful people*.

Well for 2008, we’re working on something big up there. A way for you and your date, you and your buddies, or you all by yourself to walk right up those stairs without shelling out the big sponsor dollars or involving the whole fam damily in a reunion.

Interested? Stay tuned.

*Of course all our patrons are beautiful, regardless of where they’re hanging out. “Beautiful people” is just a figure of speech. You’re only gorgeous yourself.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I thought the "beautiful people" was in reference to your sisters who work up there.

Anonymous said...

Please consider a few more pottys "up there"

Anonymous said...

I agree with that comment, there were several times when both the guys and the gals were standing in line doing the "I gotta pee bad" dance. I stood in one line up there that was at least 8 or 9 people deep. Maybe 3 or 4 port-a-johns instead of just 2?

Danny Regan said...

Good idea, and necessary with the changes we're making up there.