Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Bigger And Beautifuller Beverages

You know what drives me crazy? Waiting in line. I hate it. I know that's like saying "I really hate having a flaming claw hammer dropped on head from an upstairs window." Who doesn't? But with me, it's severe. It's pathological. I'll go without something I really need if it means waiting in a long line. There are exceptions, of course. Beer lines at festivals, for example.

At Irish Fest, beer lines are usually mercifully short and we work hard to keep them that way. This year, to keep your waiting time to a minimum we're offering a new larger beer so you can spend more time listening to your favorite band instead of making a beer run. The 22 oz. draught will also be served in a really cool imprinted souvenir cup that you can take home with you when the fest is done. A set of these cups makes a lovely wedding gift, by the way.

Remember as you enjoy a cold Boulevard, Coors Light or other beverage at Irish Fest, do so reasonably and responsibly. And in accordance with the laws of the great state of Missouri, be 21 and able to prove it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i did the math. that's a pint-and-a-half. that cuts my time on line down by 1/3, over the course of the evening music line-ups. thanks, danny!