Friday, April 13, 2007

Son Of The Limerick Contest

It’s been just short of a year
Since our Limerick contest was here
So grab paper and pen
And we’ll do it again
With a prize to the best poeteer.

The Kansas City Irish Fest Limerick Contest returns for 2007, this year with special guest judge, my talented brother Patrick Regan. Pat is a genuine published author who’s written actual books you can, and should, buy. So kick it up a notch, Limerickers. You have to impress a real writer this time, not just a slacker like me. To make it worth your while, I've got a truly great prize package for you.

The winning poem will win a new, never-worn, genuine 2006 Irish Fest staff T-shirt. These are the same ultra-cool shirts that myself and the rest of the KCIF crew wore last year and they can't be bought at any price, unless one of our staffers needs beer money. As if that wasn't enough, you'll also win an Irish Fest poster autographed by all our 2006 bands. I have one of those framed and hanging right here in my office at Irish Fest HQ, so you know it's cool.

Enter as many times as you care to, unless you are an employee, director, or committee chair of the Kansas City Irish Fest, 'cause you ain't allowed. Entries must be received no later than May 18th, 2007. This probably goes without saying, but your limerick should be about The Kansas City Irish Fest and preferably family-friendly. Limericks only please, no haiku, sonnets or free verse. To refresh your memory, a limerick sounds like this:

To win with a judge like my brother
You'll need poetry skills like no other
Your meter and rhyme
Must each be sublime
And no, you can't enter this, Mother.

So get to writing! Send your limericks to and I'll forward them on to our esteemed judge. I'll post some along the way here in Tir na Blog.

Good luck!


Tina Di Mauro said...

Very interesting blog. Kiss kiss

Anonymous said...

WOW! Your brother wrote a Thomas Kinkade book. He's the finest artist in the world!