Thursday, March 01, 2007

Some Other Stuff About Volunteering

Now that I've dropped that "no drinking on duty" bomb, let's get a couple other things out of the way as we begin Volunteer Education Month:

•Kansas City Irish Fest volunteers must be at least 15 years old and 15 inches tall.
•Be aware that certain volunteer opportunities have physical requirements. These may include extended time on your feet, some lifting, or assisting our elderly and cranky president.
•Please only sign up for shifts you can complete. No-show volunteers make us very unhappy and it is unwise to anger us.
•While we make every effort to accommodate volunteers in their choice of jobs and shifts, we cannot guarantee you'll get exactly what you want. We beg your indulgence and understanding.
•Volunteers receive a free t-shirt and a single day ticket to the Fest. A ticket is not required for the day you volunteer. Late in the Fest, we sometimes run out of T-shirts in your exact size. Should that occur, cut us some slack.
•Other job specific requirements or restrictions will be posted as the different areas are profiled. Pay attention.
•You don't need to be Irish to volunteer. But a tolerance, if not an appreciation of that particular ethnic group would be helpful, to put it mildly. That probably goes without saying.

That's it, I think. Carry on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is elderly & cranky president

Ed Sullivan