Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Cut Above The Coffee!

I'm remoting today, sitting here at Eddie Delahunt's Cafe & with the famous Máirtin de Cogain, who has the official start time and details for the big Valentine's Day Film Clips event:

From the suspicious hours of 11a.m. to 2p.m. Máirtín will be held in a cage in the backyard of Eddie Delahubt's Café &, on 45th and State line, with full cooperation of the proprietor. There is talk of a webcam being set up in situ so those of you who do not have the luxury of leaving your desk at any giving moment can watch the whole development from start to when you turn up for coffee. There is also talk that some lucky few will be able to cut a lock or two for a donation or two, nothing has been said of who is chopping the beard but that will come off and stay for a "good while!" watch this chin space. The 4433 Barbershop from State Line will be proving the chair (to go in the cage).

All the money will go to the Jennifer Ireland foundation and the hair (not the beard, I am told) will be given to Locks of Love who make wigs for children with cancer.

Come along and see the spectacle as Kansas City’s favorite Cork man changes his look for charity on a day of love!

Don't miss this hirsute hulabaloo, all for the very best of causes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel a cold coming on that day. I just might have to call in sick to work.