Monday, November 20, 2006

Irish Fest Goes

Here's something that happens to me every year at Irish Fest, and I know some of my fellow organizers have had the same experience. Some irate patron will accost me and demand to know why we don't recycle the plastic bottles that accumulate over the weekend. My response is always the same: We'd love to. How would you like to chair and assemble the new recycling committee to organize that effort? And their response is always the same. I don't have time...but SOMEBODY ought to do it.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Somebody.

For 2007, Natalie Smith of Kansas City finally answered my question this year differently and said yes. She's already begun organizing this massive effort and we couldn't be more excited about it. Natalie has volunteered for years as a beer server at Irish Fest, so chances are you may have run across her in the past. You'll see a lot more of her this coming year as she works hard to make us a more environmentally responsible Fest.

If you'd like to join Natalie on the brand new recycling committee, drop me a line with your e-mail address and I'll put you in touch with her.

Than you Natalie and welcome to Irish Fest. You really are Somebody special.


Anonymous said...

Than You Natalie as well.

Anonymous said...

Yay Natalie!! Thanks so much, and welcome to our craziness!

Johnson Sister 1