Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Host Story

Imagine this: it's September 1st. You sneak out of work a little early so you can be first in line when the gates open at Irish Fest at 5:00. It's no longer 102 degrees outside and you're feeling good. You're feeling spunky. You're feeling Irish, from the top of your red head to the bottom of your bright green sneakers. You hand over the discounted advance ticket you wisely bought way back on August 9th, and walk in. At last! Irish Fest weekend again! But wait...I know I want to see Seamus Kennedy at 5:00, but things are different. Pub stage? But the Irish Pub Front is way over here now. And the cottage is all turned around. And weren't the bathrooms over there last year? And...and all these people...I'm feeling very cold...wait, I see a light...yes, I'll go to the light. Here I come! Yes, the light! Go to the light! It's magnificent! It''s the beautiful light of a gold Irish Fest Site Host t-shirt! And that helpful, knowledgeable, and attractive Site Host has all the answers! Where I can find Seamus. Where I can buy a cold Boulevard Irish Stout. Where I can pick up my official 2006 KCIF cap and T-shirt for my collection. My Site Host knows everything! I'm saved!

It's a scene that will be repeated, just as dramatically, hundreds if not thousands of times over Irish Fest weekend. So don't forget: use those people in those Gold Shirts. They are an elite unit, a well trained force, a well oiled, by which I do not mean to imply "greasy", machine.. And they're there to help you find what you need.

The Site Hosts: The Few. The Proud. The Well Oiled, but not Greasy.

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