Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Warm Up

The Irish Fest pre-game show continued last night with a great performance by The Fuchsia B (that's three fourths of The Fuchsia Band) at the Mountain Music Shoppe. Máirtín, Eoin and Mick gave a rousing show in a slightly warm, slightly stuffy room to a sell out crowd. It was a vintage Fuchsia show, with the addition of Fionán Cogan's hysterical poetry read by his brother Máirtín. I heard rumors of a trip "Wesht the road" out to WJ McBride's to join Eddie Delahunt there afterwards, but sadly I wasn't able to make the session. If anybody was there, I'd love a craic report.

If you missed last night's show, you can catch the Cork boys once more nearby before they hit the road until Irish Fest. They'll be in Columbia, MO just 2 hours away, tomorrow night.

Thursday July 20, 7:00 p.m.
House concert at the Akers’ house,
1411 Anthony St., Columbia
Donation: $12 adults / $10 CMCAA members / $8 students
$5 kids 6 - 16

Reservations required, as seating is limited. Make your reservation by noon Thursday by sending an e-mail to with your name, number attending and phone number. You can also call after noon Thursday to see if there are any seats left. 573-442-2048.

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