Thursday, July 20, 2006

Music For A Thursday

Everybody knows that Thursday's the new Friday, so happy weekend to you. To start it off right, I've loaded some new music into our Irish Fest jukebox for you. You'll find it at the bottom of our entertainment page.

Hothouse Flowers: Don't Go. Not new but what a great, great song. I heard Liam O Maonlai explain the origins of this song in Boston last year. He had a friend injured in a motorbike accident who was in a coma in a Dublin hospital. One day after going to see him, Liam was on his way to rehearse with the band, and noticing all the beauty and life around him, wrote the song on the walk as a plea to his friend not to leave the world and all the wonderful things in it. Sadly his friend eventually died, but this great song survives as a reminder to the rest of us of all the great things around us every day.

The Elders: Gonna Take A Miracle. Another one from the brand new Elders CD Racing The Tide. They've been doing this one live for awhile now and it's become a crowd favorite. Nice to have it on disc.

Something For The House: The Carraroe Jig/Out On The Ocean/Ingonish. Three tunes from the newest members of the Kansas City Irish Fest line up. Good old fashioned, toe tapping traditional session music expertly and effortlessly played.

Hope you enjoy them.

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