Sunday, July 02, 2006


A couple upcoming literary type events you should put on your calendar.

On Wednesday, July 12th at 11:45 AM, Terence O'Malley, author of Nelly Don: A Stitch in Time will talk about his new book, his life, his work, answer audience questions and autograph copies of his new book that have been purchased from event host Rainy Day Books, on their website or at the event. All this takes place at the Central Exchange, 1020 Central Street, Suite 100, Kansas City, Missouri 64105, Phone: 816-471-7560.

On Thursday, July 27, 2006 at 7:00 PM Frank Delaney, author the fantastic book Ireland, A Novel will be in Kansas City in support of his new book, Simple Courage: A True Story of Peril on the Sea. He too will be available for questions and autographed copies of his books. The venue for this event has yet to be determined.

You can get all the information on both these author events at the Rainy Day Books website.

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