Tuesday, April 11, 2006


On the plane ride home on Sunday, too exhausted to talk, too uncomfortable to sleep, I took the opportunity to finish the book I've been reading, Ireland, a novel by Limerick born writer Frank Delaney. In the Pittsburgh airport I was reading it while we waited with our good friends from the Milwaukee Irish Fest, who were on the same flight back to Milwaukee that we were taking on the first leg of our trip back to Kansas City. Ed Ward, president of the Milwaukee festival, saw the book in my hand and told me that he'd read it and loved it too. He said "that book should be required reading for everybody who runs an Irish Festival."

I'll go Ed one better. I think it should be required reading for anybody who runs an Irish Fest, works for an Irish Fest, volunteers at an Irish Fest or has ever been to an Irish Fest, as well as for anybody with even a passing interest in the history, lore, and tradition of Ireland and the Irish people.

Go to your local bookstore or library and get a copy. When you're finished, let me know and we'll go for pints and talk about it.


Anonymous said...

I'll go a step further and encourage you to attend a Rainy Day Books Event on July 27th, featuring Irish author Frank Delaney. http://www.rainydaybooks.com/NASApp/store/IndexJsp?s=storeevents&eventId=320327

Danny Regan said...

Thanks Charlie! I'd heard rumors he was coming. Fantastic!