Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Cafe & Music

Irish Fest institution Eddie "Espresso" Delahunt announces that live music at his not-so-new-now Café & begins this Saturday. Along with Eddie, come hear Brett "Latteccino" Gibson tickling the accordion and Gabriel "Café con Leche" Reyes beating on the bodhran.

Mochas, Lattés & Smoothies,Pastries, Soft Drinks & Ice Cream will be available, and if you ask nicely you might persuade Eddie to launch into a 2006 version of "The Ould Irish Fest", my personal favorite song. The World Cup Final ( Italy & ?) will be shown at the café on Sunday.

The 4th of July is past, we're under 60 days to's Irish Fest time! Let's start this Saturday at Cafe &.

7:00 PM, Café & is located at 1811 West 45th St, KCMO. That's just a sip East of State Line Road on 45th. 816-753-3322.


Anonymous said...

What's that funny little doohickymabob after "Cafe". Is Eddie going to start by that symbol, ya know, like Prince did?

Anonymous said...

Wow, that ampersand does look kinda funky and un-ampersand-like in this font.

Danny Regan said...

Funny, it looks very "ampersandy" on my screen. Anyway, just go to Café AND on Saturday, and every chance you get 'cause it's a great place.