Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Black 47

Way back in the early 90's, I remember hearing about a band from New York that was creating a sound like no others. It was kind of a hodge podge of instruments, a Fender Strat, drums (and drum machine), saxophone, trombone, bass and uilleann pipes. "What the hell is that" I recall saying to a few friends. "That's Black 47," said the burley Irish barman in the rugby jersey. From then on I was hooked.

My fascination with Black 47 culminated when I booked them to play at the 2001 Brookside Irish Festival. They were my first real booking experience. And what a great learning experience it was. I was so excited about this band, while on vacation in Maine, my older brother Mike and I went to see Black 47 in Nantucket. A long ass trip from Portland, I must say. So we get there (finally) and head to The Muse, the local bar where all the summer help hang out. This time, Black 47's first of a weeks shows, no one was at the club, except me and my brother. Well, you wouldn't have guessed it based on the bands energy. They were fantastic! A memory I will always cherish.

I recently contacted Larry Kirwin, lead singer and the man with the Strat, to answer a few questions and reminisce a bit. Here is what he has to say...

Black 47 is based in NYC and has been around for 16 years. You've played just about everywhere on the planet and this years KCIF will be you 3rd visit here, right?

I think it will be our third visit. Kansas City is an interesting place. Growing up in Ireland you get this picture of the Wild West. Of course, now I know it's a lot different. I'm looking forward to the festival and a visit to Bloomsday Books.

The B47 sound is vereclecticc. How would you describe it?

I gave up trying a long time ago. It's original. It's Black 47. We've never done the same set twice. Every night is a new experience.

What are some of you earlier influences?

God, they are legion. Everything from Eddie Cochran to Sean O'Riada, Bob Dylan to Astor Piazzolla, Bob Marley to Mozart, The Clash to Miles Davis, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale to Jamesons. And that's just me. The other guys might be just a little further out.

One of my favorite B47 cover songs is "Three Little Birds." Is that on your set list for September 3?

For you, David, how could we refuse. We did that song on our first gig. It wasn't my favorite Marley song by any means and now it's very much associated with us. Oddly enough, many people think the B47 song we link with it, Desperate, is one of Marley's too. I suppose that's the height of a compliment.

We are looking forward to having you back in KC this year. Is there anything special planned?

I'm going to scour the city for the ghost of Charlie Parker and pray that just a hint of his genius rubs off on me. As for what Black 47 will play - I never plan it until just before we go on and we usually turn the set upside down anyway. But being political, I'm sure we'll do songs like Downtown Baghdad Blues (President Bush's #1 ipod song), perhaps James Connolly, Fire of Freedom, Big Fellah. Or your readers can email requests to blk47@aol.com When we only play a city every couple of years we try to fit in songs that people just HAVE to hear.

Now we all know Bridie "was a grand Irish Girl (as they come)." Who is she a where is she now?

Oh god... Bridie is Bridie... the last I heard she was living outside London and as for the baby? You got any good attorneys in KC??? For those to whom this is a mystery, take a read of my book, Green Suede Shoes or listen to Funky Ceili. See you in September

If you'd like to see Black 47 up close and personal, they are touring Ireland November 8-15. I am sure there will be plenty of stmaybeand maybe a few Bridie sightings.

Black 47 performs September 3 at 4:30 on the Terrace Stage.


Anonymous said...

I remember them very well from Brookside...we thought we had hit the big time and maybe we have!

Anonymous said...

I first stumbled upon B47 at Paddy Reilly's in NYC. They played Brookside the year before I moved to KC...never thought I'd see them on a KCIF stage! This is going to be a treat for sure! (Now if we could just get Flogging Molly and the Dropkick Murphy's we'd have a ($*# show! :)