Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Ok Kansas City, we are number one when it comes to jazz, right. And we are number one when it comes to Irish music, right. Well, have I got a band for you!

Millish is a four piece band based out of Ann Arbor Michigan. They play close to 150 nights a year traveling as far away as Germany. That's a big time act! Millish is best described as...(this is from their web site).

Frank Zappa once stated, "Writing about music is like dancing about architecture." Rather than attempt to describe Millish's music, it would be more worthwhile to cite the musical ingredients that create their music.

Millish is comprised of State Champion bluegrass fiddler Brad Phillips, National Award-winning jazz percussionist Mike Shimmin, World Champion Uilleann piper Tyler Duncan, and Title-Defying-Creative-Mastermind-Insert-Adjective-Here guitarist Jesse Lee Mason, all of whom share an active interest in jazz. Never forcing a preconceived notion of "fusion," the band has let their music coalesce over the past four years, and it's already turning heads worldwide. Their debut album earned them an International Acoustic Music Award - before it was even released.

Millish is united by a single musical goal: to participate in the evolution of modern music.

Sounds interesting, huh. Oh, they also play a mean cover of "Stairway to Heaven." Millish plays Saturday September 2 at 12:00 and Sunday September 3 at 5:00 on the Boulevard Pub Stage.

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