Thursday, July 13, 2006

Big Volunteer News!

While I merely beg and cajole you into volunteering, others give real incentives. Here's an exciting announcement from our wonderful volunteer coordinators, Erin and Amanda, aka The Sunshine Twins:

Hello all of you wonderful and amazing KC Irish Fest volunteers!

As you may or may not have noticed, Irish Fest is only 50 days away and you know what that means:…we need more and more volunteers to sign up! So in an effort to make this happen, and to take the opportunity to thank you for all of your hard work to come, we have an exciting contest for all KC Irish Fest volunteers. Starting today, for every volunteer you recruit to sign up for a shift, we will enter your name into a drawing to win a tasting party at the Boulevard Brewery!

Here is how it works. You call your friend Bob and tell him what a wonderful experience it is to volunteer for the KC Irish Fest. He goes to this link from the Irish Fest site and signs up to volunteer. He also notes in the comment box that you referred him and then your name automatically is entered into the drawing. If you also get Susie, Mike and Joe to sign up as well, then that is three more times your name is put in the drawing!

Have you ever seen a contest so easy to enter and win?! Your volunteer must note in the comment box that you referred him/her or it will not be valid.

So this tasting party...let me just tell you a little bit about it! Just imagine how cool your friends will think you are when you invite them out for an evening of free Boulevard Beer! The tasting is for you and up to 30 of your closest friends, and all the Boulevard Beer you and your 30 friends can drink!

So don'’t waste anymore time! Start recruiting those volunteers now and get one step closer to a night with Boulevard!

Erin & Amanda

One more note...those volunteers must be actual people, over the age of 15 who actually SHOW UP for their shifts on Irish Fest weekend to count against your total. Don't try signing up a couple hundred random names from the phone book. Erin and Amanda aren't as stupid as I look. Restrictions apply on that tasting party, most importantly that not all dates will be available. But really, is there a bad day to drink free beer with your friends?

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