Thursday, June 29, 2006

We've Got The Runs

I mean The Run. Just the one. The Kansas City Irish Fest Luck of The Irish Trot, Run For Education.

Okay, yes that's a really long name. But it's not a terribly long run. It's a 5K, which in miles is only...uh...not very much. And you can walk it if you want! As a matter of fact, if you want to walk, you only have to go 3K, which of course is 2 whole Ks less, making it, in miles...not very far at all.

You need the run. You'll wake up on Irish Fest Sunday morning a little bleary-eyed from the fun of the night before, another day of music, dance, fun and general Irish silliness ahead of you. You'll need something to clear the cobwebs out, something to get the blood flowing, maybe you'll need to sweat out a toxin or two, who knows. I'm not one to judge. Anyway, the run is what you need. You might even win a prize. For sure you'll get a free Irish Fest ticket and a cool t-shirt. And best of all, you'll help kids who need help to go to school. That's big deposit in the ol' karma bank right there, even without the health benefits, prizes, tickets and t-shirts. All for $23, if you register in advance through A bargain.

I know I'm always bugging you to do stuff now, do stuff today, sign up now, book that. So you don't have to sign up for the run today. Sign up tomorrow. But sign up. Don't forget.

Because you're gonna need the run.


Anonymous said...

bleary-eyed? Is that MObonics?

Danny Regan said...

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.


SYLLABICATION: blear·y-eyed
VARIANT FORMS: also blear-eyed (blîrd)
ADJECTIVE: 1. With eyes blurred or reddened, as from exhaustion or lack of sleep. 2. Dull of mind or perception.

Maybe you're just feeling a little bleary-eyed today.