Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Story Time

Okay, gather the kids around here by the old turf fire, and I’ll tell a story.

Once upon a time there was a brave little Irish Fest. And that little Irish Fest loved kids. It loved kids so much that it wanted to give them stuff, like prizes. So it had the idea (okay, it didn't "have the idea" so much as "stole the idea") to have a story contest, and the best storytellers would win professionally done illustrations based on their stories, suitable for framing. And so the brave little Irish Fest told all the kids that they had to get their stories submitted by July 14th, or they don’t win anything. Unless it’s the Name The Cow Contest, because those aren't due until Irish Fest in September. They can still win that, the brave little Irish Fest supposed. But a professionally done illustration, by a genuine professional illustrator? Forget it. “You don’t get something that cool just for naming a cow” scoffed the brave little Irish Fest. “I mean, seriously.”

So all the kids in the land wrote these great stories and got them done by July 14th. Some were funny, some were scary, some were happy, some were sad. All of them were about Ireland and Irish magic. And all of them were much better than this one, which is stupid.

The End


littleskillet said...

I have to agree with you when you said, " And all of them were much better than this one, which is stupid."

Danny Regan said...

Yeah, well let's see you do better, Mossy!